
elégia starosti staroby

vráskavé dlane
kĺby z mrkvy
pohľadom smotany pohladí
duša krehká, páperie
škoricové ruky
s úsmevom muškátových orieškov
si ma naučila
lietať v snoch
uvaríme si radosť
ako predkrm voňavá, čerstvá pokora
zákusok netreba
nahradila ho neha v objatí
občas si hovorila
že mi na ten krúžok
v puse pusu nedáš
už ti nevadí
vraj neviem piť
povedala si po prvom
poldeci čo spolu sme
kopli do seba
mala som 20
ty 70
a oči nám obom
mierili do neba


as seen in...

i had my artworks displayed on tuesday for the first time in my life, as a part of the "small apocalypse" exhibition. it was organized by the art group Lesmir and the dear people at the Nibiru gallery in ostrava. it was wonderful and i am very grateful.

for those who can't make it to ostrava within the next month, this was my special piece for the exhibition (apart from the embroidered photographs): 

(untitled I.)

 (imagine this in pink)

(untitled II.)

they are 3 A3 format pieces, blue, white and black ink on blue paper, black and blue ink on white paper, and white and blue ink on black paper. they function as separate pieces as well as a whole, a story, a comic strip. there are several recurring motives in them, some are easy to spot, some are not.

what I love most about it that every person that I showed it to liked a different thing about it.

they are for sale, separately and as a whole as well.


a wish

if it does not bloom, make it.
happy love day
(although every day should be considered such)


unseen forces

 a recent discovery made me ponder over the use of all the photographs i have taken over the past 5 years. since they filled up more than two photo albums already, they are a great source of "raw" material to work with. i don't like drawing in them and i felt like there is something more physical in the way i could modify them.

so i started sewing. more than two of my friends inspired me to do this, they are excellent embroideresses. (yes, i just invented this word and i am sticking with it.)
i decided to use white thread - i do not trust myself with colors yet (since the photographs are colorful enough already) and black would be too intrusive, shadowy and sharp.
these are not all of the photographs i already embroidered, just a quick glimpse of what i think is ready to be viewed by more than me and my closest friends.

i call them "unseen forces" since they all represent various waves and patterns that seemingly hold together the reality captured in the shots.

the white thread functions as a fortifying element, intensifying the focus of the viewer and hiding he unwanted at the same time.

the white captures what i wish others would see as well.