
unseen forces

 a recent discovery made me ponder over the use of all the photographs i have taken over the past 5 years. since they filled up more than two photo albums already, they are a great source of "raw" material to work with. i don't like drawing in them and i felt like there is something more physical in the way i could modify them.

so i started sewing. more than two of my friends inspired me to do this, they are excellent embroideresses. (yes, i just invented this word and i am sticking with it.)
i decided to use white thread - i do not trust myself with colors yet (since the photographs are colorful enough already) and black would be too intrusive, shadowy and sharp.
these are not all of the photographs i already embroidered, just a quick glimpse of what i think is ready to be viewed by more than me and my closest friends.

i call them "unseen forces" since they all represent various waves and patterns that seemingly hold together the reality captured in the shots.

the white thread functions as a fortifying element, intensifying the focus of the viewer and hiding he unwanted at the same time.

the white captures what i wish others would see as well.

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