
za zrkadlom

Prednedávnom sme sa prechádzali po slamovom vystúpení s kamarátmi po nočnej Prahe. Jeden z nich je roztopašne výrečný extrovert. Podaril sa mu do monológu zakomponovať vtip o slovákoch, bola to taká tá bežná odroňská narážka typu "vy jste vlastně maďaři bez kukuřice." Nepamätám si ju úplne presne, vytesňujem tieto veci, veď už v Českej republike žijem cca 7 rokov a nejakú relatívne hrubú hrošiu kožu si človek vypestuje.

A div sa svete, tejto narážke sa to nepodarilo. Dostala sa pod kožu, lebo to bol človek mne blízky. A vytiekla slza.


Prečo musím ľuďom vysvetľovať, že nemajú právo smiať sa človeku, ktorý sa narodil v krajine, kde nechce žiť? Kde mu vlastná rodina radí, aby sa radšej odsťahoval čo najďalej, lebo politická situácia je z roka na rok horšia?

Zabolí to hlavne keď sa jedná o človeka, ktorý sa narodil na jednom mieste, počas celého detstva mal len jeden domov, jedných rodičov, jednu školu a teraz pracuje stále v jednej a tej istej krajine. Takže nemá tušenie, aké to je byť permanentný cudzinec.

Som imigrant.
Som utečenec. Nie vojnový, za toto privilégium som vďačná. Ale mám plné zuby domasedov, ktorí sa vysmievajú ľuďom čo sú neprávom odcudzení a nešťastní.

Nie som z tých čo berú slová na ľahkú váhu, pretože sú priamym odrazom toho, čo sa odohráva v mysli za nimi. Takže keď máš blbé kecy, nediv sa, že sa s tebou prestanem baviť.


ask instead of assuming

i am emptying a jar of liquid that has been overflowing for a while now. as a delicate introvert, one has to find an output that reaches far yet stays unintrusive in its operation.

play while reading:

since i've come out as being polyamorous, i've met too many people who:
- took advantage of it
- assumed that for this reason i do not have emotions or i do not feel love and do not seek it
- thought that "sleeping around is a game" although i never would let such disgusting words escape from my mouth-hole and i consciously fight all power game thoughts that spring up in my brain for whatever reason they may
- thought that it means that i sleep with everyone that comes my way
- thought that it is just a phase i am going through till i find the "right person" (oh do not get me even started on this one...)
- or simply had no clue as to how to behave towards me because i was making them nervous

all these troubles boil down to the basic conflict due to misunderstanding, however, this misunderstanding has various reasons:

- common human egotism and disrespect (who'da thought, huh..?)
- laziness of spirit, a.k.a. "why are you still whining about this?" and other statements that forced me to avoid any kind of communication about an issue since it was making the other party come out of their comfort zone
- "traditional" upbringing, where monogamy is upheld as some kind of holy grail, hence all other possible relationships are below it in means of quality

therefore, i have several declarations to make, in order to try to wipe out any more future misunderstandings:

- polyamory is love.
- i treat all my lovers with the same respect they have for me and cherish them completely.
- just because i am with this person right now does not mean that the one that is not present is somehow less important.
- do not fear the others, i would never be with someone who is not on good terms with the fact that i love other people.
- if you are puzzled by anything concerning this particular type of intimacy, ask. i am more than delighted to explain and discuss.
- definitions are important yet they should never be constricting and ultimating.

however, since i've been scarred, i have become fairly picky and prickly about the choice of my lovers and partners. polyamorous people have more boundaries since their wonderful significant others have their specific quirks, requirements and habits that make them what they are. and it is very hard to discern immediately whether some of these aren't toxic or permanent.

that's right, who you are with always influences your own personality so watch out for the contagious bad habits of your lovers, and if you know how, help them help themselves.

it is very tricky, exhausting, and dangerous. but the acknowledgement you get for recognizing and resolving an issue sometimes comes from places you would not even expect it to come.

we are taught to love more than one parent, more than one friend, why can't we love more than one partner?


required reading for all interested in non-monogamy:
Easton & Hardy - The Ethical Slut
Dan Savage - Savage Love (weekly column)

More Than Two


skin engraving premiere...

...is what I would call this to make it sound more noble and lovely, even though it cannot really be.

My friend tattooed my drawing into his skin.

There are no more words needed.

this is the original:

this is the result of his effort:

My art is honored, and it feels very very special.


vodné vrásky

vili mi dušu
dia čo si dobro
mažú mysle
aby si neuve
čo za hnitie
tri majú


the story potential of a single sentence

These are stories written for the wanton of discovering the narrative possibilities of one sentence.
Giving so little space for plot development, they are a sort of small condensed outbursts of action/style/realization/whatever you make of them.

My sleeveless dress covered the wound without trouble.

The ground shook and there was little time to...

And then the dust of the day disappeared under her inspective fingers.

In the clear light of morning, just as the sky turns that kitsch pink with the first glimpses of the sun, their steps resonate with even more acuteness.

My mother always told me to shut up.

If my pen is leaking, does it mean it's aroused?

Wit is without without hout.

They needed to be careful, a single wrong step could destroy them not.

He pointed the gun at her at the same time he realized that all the bullets were in the bottom drawer.

A mere one hour could lead to infinity.

Biology doesn't make you breathe, it enables you to breathe.

Bitches brew but witches make the stew.


meowing continued

the world needs more cat people
here's one I deemed worthy to name after the slavic goddess of beauty
 the difficult fun part is choosing which bodyparts shall be human and which feline



dnes som videla na ulici androida
po tvári mal polepené kusy kože, útrpný výraz
a mal trochu väčšie dlane než bežný človek




It's been a while. I strongly follow the rule that if there is nothing constructive to say, keep your trap shut.

Here are some holiday/work snapshots from Rotterdam.

a friendly fellow in the morning sun

erasmusbrug, architectural love
three eyes on two walls

